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  • Writer's pictureFrank Winter

The Day of Wrath

When you're getting into the real meat of the story...

It was fun pulling out all of the classical religious literary references throughout the writing process. This one, which is also a musical reference, was too obvious not to include.

For those who aren't aware of "Dies Irae" as a piece of music, a quick Google or YouTube search will answer your questions readily. In music, the use of the familiar descending notes is almost as common as the use of crosses on album covers. It's a fantastic, simple shorthand of death and descent, which I try to capture appropriately in the way the events play out for the damned students of Villa Vista High School. If you haven't reached that section of the story yet, be sure to bear down ... it'll give you a real bad case of the Mondays. And to hear some of my other musical inspirations for the story, don't forget to check out the playlist on my YouTube channel! It starts off with the "Villa Vista Elegy" original theme music. Don't forget to like and subscribe!

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